August 31, 2010

Turn to the Left and Cough.....

Doc, you're hands are freezing!  Can you please help a brother out by warming those bad boys up before you tell me to "drop my drawers" and go in for the exam......down there!  In addition to the physical, I was grilled on everything from my bowel health to giving myself testicular exams.  Ugh, I wanted to crawl into a hole and die. The worst part of this application process is over if you ask me. 

I had a 10:00 am physical and was told I needed to fast for 12 hours prior to the physical.  Considering I wake up at 4:15 am every weekday morning, I knew waiting until after my 10:00 am physical was done would be a make me one cranky bastard!  And boy was I right!!  I was in a state of dizzy delirium by the time the appointment was over at 10:45.  And in addition to fasting, I couldn't even eat gum.  I was rocking some serious hungry/bad breath in that tiny doctor's office.  Both the nurse and doctor wanted to have in-depth conversations face-to-face with me and I wonder if they could smell it.  I wanted to die!

I got a tetnus shot, had my cholesterol checked, and then was tested for a wheat allergy.   I have been given a clean bill of health and according to my doctor, fit to be a parent.  Let's hope some birth mother feels the same.  Jon was given a clean bill of health too.  One part of the application down.....598 to go!


  1. Oh man - I remember having to fast for my physical. I was such a b&$#@*!!!! I had such a headache! I think my office has a photo of me up warning the staff of my next visit. At least it's done, and like you said...only 598 more hoops to jump through!

  2. I am starting to wondering how many times Angelina Jolie had to do these things???
