January 31, 2011

Deeeeeeeeeelays Galore!

Jon and I have decided that if either our new furniture doesn't arrive or we don't get the call with the words "you're in the pool" uttered in the next few days, we are both going to go Postal.  Like you may see us on the 5 O'clock News and our neighbors will say the very predictable "they were very quiet and nice and kept to themselves.  We never would have expected them to do something like that." 

Seriously though, it doesn't seem fair!  We have done everything we needed to do and now we have to leave the timeline in the hands of individuals who don't see us the same priority as we see ourselves.  That sounds like a very selfish statement, but I don't mean it that way.  As Jon reminded me, our MN Homestudy is already 33% expired and we aren't even in the pool of candidates yet.  We very likely will have to have our MN Homestudy redone at a whopping $2,500 in roughly 9 months.

Anywho, our West Coast counselor who told us that she saw no reason why we shouldn't be in the pool by mid-January, has now drastically altered her statement after Jon asked for a friendly update after mid-January came and went.  We were both flabbergasted to learn that she hadn't even started "finalizing" us to be entered into the pool due to her own family issues and some office reorganizations.  We are now feeling lucky if we will even be in the pool by the end of February.

I hope that my next post has exponentially happier news or I may be in an orange jumpsuit and orange is definitely not my color!

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