October 8, 2010

Witty Retorts

Our Home Study Social Worker was telling us horror stories about her own personal experiences and the experiences of others when it comes to stranger's tendencies to put their foots in their mouths regarding adoption.  It was incredible and appalling to hear some of the stories she would tell.  But one in particular had Jon and I crying from laughter.  And it just has to be shared.

Our Social Worker told us to be prepared for incredibly invasive questions from strangers such as:
  • Whose kid is that?
  • Where did you get that kid from? 
  • Is that kid adopted? 
  • Do you know where his/her real parents are?  (This one infuriates me!)
Anywho, so this Caucasian lady is at the grocery store with her two African-American children.  She is in the checkout line when the following exchange takes place:

Woman in Checkout Line: Where did you get those kids from?
Mom: I found them in aisle 7 in the frozen food section.

Hahahahahahaha!!!!!!!  We need to remember that one! 

I really don't understand what motivates human beings to be so ugly or to think it is their right to ask such questions.  Don't get me wrong.....it isn't that such questions can't be asked.  However, there is a tactful and far less intrusive way of asking.  And mostly, those questions should be reserved for people who are not complete strangers.  Just because my child is adopted, what makes some stranger think they are privy to my child's back story?

1 comment:

  1. Or you could say you must have picked one up after skipping the contraceptive aisle.
