July 20, 2010

Why We Want to Be Parents and Why We'd Be Good Parents?

It is like writing a resume; we knew our qualifications, but how do you get them into a short, succinct bullet point. We didn't need to convince ourselves, but would we be able to call up these reasons "under the gun" if we didn't write them down?

We were preparing for our first call to an Adoption Agency. We have been doing tons and tons of research on the web. We put our contact information on one website who immediately called and wanted to setup an hour long phone call.

Panic. Fear. Terror.

What would they ask? What should we be prepared to do or not do? We figured the phone call opener was going to be either:
  1. Why Do You Want to Be Parents?
  2. Why Would You Be a Good Parent?

So I did what I do best.....made a list......and Jon and I started thoughtfully thinking of reasons. It is with some embarrassment that I share this list with you, but we also want our baby to know how deeply we thought about these questions and what qualifications we used to determine our ability to parent:

Why Do You Want to Be Parents?

  • Both have a desire to share with a child all the wonderful things the world can offer
  • Both have the desire to be a part of something bigger than ourselves.
  • Experience as a couple, doing one of the most important things you can do in life (have a child).
  • To play an active part in guiding and nurturing another human being to their potential.
  • Would love to pass on our life lessons to a future generation. Our child will see that a more peaceful, loving world starts through parents who teach their children these values.
  • From early on, we both agreed that life is never measured by material things (jobs/money), but instead measured by the relationships you have and create. We believe we could create a meaningful relationship with our child.

Why Would You Be Good Parents?

  • We both have lived a life where we have learned the meaning of “unconditional love” and know we could provide that for our child.
  • REPEAT ALERT - From early on, we both agreed that life is never measured by material things (jobs/money), but instead measured by the relationships you have and create. We believe we could create a meaningful relationship with our child.
  • Both have friends and family who are supportive of our decisions and would be actively involved in our child’s life.
  • We have the means to provide a child with a stable, loving environment.
  • We have first hand experience with showing a child how important it is to be who you are and allow them express themselves in the healthiest way possible.

1 comment:

  1. You could have asked others why - we'd all have some wonderful reasons to share.
