Jon and I have sent off our application packets to both the home study agency and the adoption agency. What a huge relief and a small victory in the daunting process. Both agencies made the drastic point that we must copy all forms, documents, and backup info (copies of birth certificates, fingerprint cards, etc.) prior to sending off our application packets.
Jon and I did just that and were both very curious exactly how many pieces of paper we had accumulated during this process. Well, thankfully after an hour at a Kinko's copy machine, we were given the grand total. 128 pages. That's right, I said it.....128 pages. I think we both estimated on the low side. Now we understand why they say it takes most couples six months to gather all of that paperwork. But, what they didn't know is that Jon and I aren't a typical couple. We are both "Project Terminators" who thrive on finishing things as fast as humanly process. We estimate it took us just over a month and a half.
What comes next? The social worker will be coming to our house soon (as of yet unscheduled) and doing our home study. And our trip to our adoption agency is fast approaching (third week of Oct) for our seminar, In-Take Interview, and home study. Yep, that's right! Being out of state folks gives us the distinct privilege of going through TWO home study interviews and paying for them both.